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Autoimmune diets.

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I've studied nutritional therapy in the UK for the past 3 years & ive always been confused/intrigued as to why people have success with such divergent diets for autoimmunity. When you start to look at these diets through the lens of vitamin A toxicity I can see that maybe they have reduced vitamin A in common. Vegan diet is low in fat & no animal fat so beta carotene absorbed poorly. Autoimmune paleo approach is high in meat & low in starchy veg/nightshades. This is just a random idea. What do others think?

Andrew B has reacted to this post.
Andrew B

It makes sense to me as a lay person that the various dietary autoimmune protocols partially work because of they all call for whole unprocessed foods. As far as I'm aware they all exclude dairy as well which is often fortified with A. Just removing dairy and gluten for your average person suffering from autoimmune diseases seems to help. My doc put me on the paleo diet when I was first diagnosed with celiac but unfortunately I took cod liver oil and ate a lot of salmon, liver, kale etc and I got worse in many ways.

I'm starting to think it's important to avoid all fortified foods. The government messing with our foods seems to be a real problem. I'd rather decide for myself if I want or need extra vitamins and minerals.

Andrew B has reacted to this post.
Andrew B

I read an interesting blog post (references included) where the author talks about the recent rise in celiac disease and makes a connection with vitamin fortified foods and excessive vitamin A.

"Why would high Vitamin A intake cause a hyperimmune reaction to ingested gluten? Well, first off, it’s necessary to point out that CD apparently involves hyperimmune reactions to more than just gluten; one study found that half of CD patients had the same reaction to cow’s milk protein as they did to gluten, indicating that the immune system’s dysfunction is the culprit, not an unavoidable genetic incompatibility with gluten. After all, people typically eat wheat fairly happily before CD is triggered. That hyperimmune reaction, it turns out, is connected to Vitamin A-related processes, for signaling related to retinoic acid—a metabolite of retinol, the storage form of Vitamin A—is a “keystone in the development of oral tolerance” (oral tolerance means “the capacity of the immune system to recognize substances taken in through the digestive system and to weaken or suppress the immune response to them”).

Here's the entire post for anyone interested in reading it.


Doublecapricorn has reacted to this post.

@bella interesting post that also include information how vegan can increase carotenoids conversion.

Would be great when someone find post like that to contact author and give him/her link to the books. Unfortunately, I can't find mail to this women.

Bella thank you - very interesting blog.

Matrixik - that is a very good plan.

I'm starting to post comments & links on Facebook pages of various nutrition people where I think appropriate. I added a comment on Trudy Scotts page as she did a post about vitamin deficiencies and the contraceptive pill. I said that vitamin A is increased by the pill & that was a problem. She's the first person who has replied and asked for more information.

That’s a great plan Matrix and JAJ for getting the word out. It seems like it will be somewhat of a grassroots effort so to speak. The only official medical person that seems to be taking the issue seriously as far as I know is Dr. Garrett Smith NMD (naturopathic physician).

Yes that's how I found out about Grant's work as I signed up for a hair analysis package with Garrett Smith. His Facebook page is a mine of interesting information & he's done some FB lives.

Andrew B has reacted to this post.
Andrew B

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I find it odd that one of the studies that blog sights shows that vitamin c and e increase beta carotene’s conversion to retinoic acid. I thought vitamin c and e were supposed to help rid the body of retinoic acid.

This article also mentions retinoic acid as promoter  of CD and gut problems: Co-adjuvant effects of retinoic acid and IL-15 induce inflammatory immunity to dietary antigens

"We found that in conjunction with IL-15, a cytokine greatly upregulated in the gut of celiac disease patients, retinoic acid rapidly activated dendritic cells to induce JNK phosphorylation and release the proinflammatory cytokines IL-12p70 and IL-23. As a result, in a stressed intestinal environment, retinoic acid acted as an adjuvant that promoted rather than prevented inflammatory cellular and humoral responses to fed antigen. Altogether, these findings unveil an unexpected role for retinoic acid and IL-15 in the abrogation of tolerance to dietary antigens."

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