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Other Nutrients

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This makes you wonder what other nutrients we are overdoing it and not realizing it. I am so grateful for Grant's research and this forum!

Yes, me too. I think probably vitamin D is one that’s being used excessively/inappropriately in many people.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3848986/  Elevated plasma B12 higher risk for cancer.



As I have mentioned in other threads I am almost certain that all dis/eases are a direct result of too much nutrition and even word disease in itself shows the truth, meaning that when we overburden our body with too many nutrients it is no longer capable of functioning with "ease"  and its becoming weaker and weaker. In my opinion The secret to good health is to eat very little nutrition with adequate supply of clean energy.

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In other words, more sugar and less other foods?

Quote from Guest on January 4, 2019, 8:38 pm

In other words, more sugar and less other foods?

I think that moderate amount of meat contains all the nutrients needed for repair and smooth functioning without strain. Other things can be just pure calories from carbohydrates and fats. To me "healthy eating with lots of nutrients" is the same as lots of excercise. Both put enormous   unnecessary strain on our body and so are very damaging .



Quote from DareToBeNaive on January 5, 2019, 2:34 am
Quote from Guest on January 4, 2019, 8:38 pm

In other words, more sugar and less other foods?

I think that moderate amount of meat contains all the nutrients needed for repair and smooth functioning without strain. Other things can be just pure calories from carbohydrates and fats. To me "healthy eating with lots of nutrients" is the same as lots of excercise. Both put enormous   unnecessary strain on our body and so are very damaging .



That makes perfect sense. It's exactly the opposite of what most people believe.


Found this article interesting. They found longevity benefits with those eating 3-4 servings per day of fruit, vegetables and legumes. More than that showed little benefits.

Fruits were more beneficial than vegetables

They also found low fat diets to be detrimental.

Was nice to read something that was not banging on about how we need to eat loads of vegetables

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Dr. Garrett Smith posted a study saying that all antioxidants (vitamins included) can become prooxidants under certain conditions: http://m.jbc.org/content/275/3/2003.full

Interestingly, I was using applesauce as a staple in the last few days and was noting adverse effects. I thought it could be the fructose or the added C, but it might be Quercetin. The article specifically mentions it can have prooxidative effects.

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Quote from somuch4food on January 10, 2019, 2:57 pm

Dr. Garrett Smith posted a study saying that all antioxidants (vitamins included) can become prooxidants under certain conditions: http://m.jbc.org/content/275/3/2003.full

Interestingly, I was using applesauce as a staple in the last few days and was noting adverse effects. I thought it could be the fructose or the added C, but it might be Quercetin. The article specifically mentions it can have prooxidative effects.

Do you have access to his private forum by any chance?

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