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I see.  I can only speculate on it. But, I agree it could be related to just more protein being used to attempt to excrete of the newly released vit A.  Much for the stored vitamin A released from the liver will be in the vitamin-palmitate form, and is therefore going to be expelled via the kidneys. To safely expelled it needs to be wrapped in the RBP. I am wondering if there was a lack of zinc, or taurine, then the RBP are not being formed correctly? Once again, that is pure speculation on my part. 


I just want to make sure that no one is considering going on a very low or zero protein diet. That would be extremely dangerous. But, it’s too long of a story as to why and how I know that to post here right now.


So sorry to hear about the kidney diagnosis ZJ.  I sincerely hope it resolves soon!  Are you feeling symptoms of the kidney failure?  Keep us posted if you can.

Quote from Guest on January 9, 2019, 4:14 pm

So sorry to hear about the kidney diagnosis ZJ.  I sincerely hope it resolves soon!  Are you feeling symptoms of the kidney failure?  Keep us posted if you can.

The only symptom I noticed was edema and that's improved quite a bit. I still notice it slightly around my ankles on some days though.


This is from the report titled: Infection-induced depression of serum retinol—a component of
the acute phase response or a consequence
William R Beisel

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/9808211/

"It thus seemed evident that infectious diseases could deplete vitamin A stores by accelerating metabolic
losses, impairing intestinal absorption, or both (3, 4). The concept that infections could deplete hepatic stores of retinol was
strengthened further by Stephensen et al (5), who showed that vitamin A was lost via the urine in patients with pneumonia or
sepsis. New estimates (2) suggest that urinary losses in children with severe infection could deplete marginal stores of hepatic
retinol within 1 or 2 wk. But these new data (1, 2) also indicate that infectious illnesses influence retinol metabolism in ways far
more complex than the simple depletion of vitamin A stores."

So, if a diagnosis of kidney failure is based on just detecting more protein in the urine, than it might not be accurate. Rather, the detected protein could just be due to a lot more vitamin A + RBP being released into circulation, and then needing to be expelled via the kidneys.

Quote from ZJ on January 9, 2019, 5:06 pm

The only symptom I noticed was edema and that's improved quite a bit. I still notice it slightly around my ankles on some days though.


Lentils are high in zinc. So are sesame seeds. Tehini is made from sesame seed paste. An easy recipe for making tehini is 1 cup (organic) sesame/tehini paste, 2/3 cup water and 1/3 cup lemon juice (ideally freshly squeezed) with 1/2 tsp salt and maybe some pepper if you want. You can add more lemon juice and salt to taste. You can put it on meat, bread, rice, vegetables -- goes with almost anything.

You also need vitamin E to make retinol binding protein. Cold pressed sunflower oil is good for that. Not for cooking, but for putting on food or just drinking a couple of tablespoons a day like a medicine.

Paula has reacted to this post.

"You also need vitamin E to make retinol binding protein."

I've seen Garrett Smith say this but I've never seen any evidence for it.



Quote from ZJ on April 25, 2019, 8:49 am

"You also need vitamin E to make retinol binding protein."

I've seen Garrett Smith say this but I've never seen any evidence for it.

Read Rule #2 at this link or search the page for 'zinc': https://nutritionrestored.com/blog-forum/topic/the-rules-of-understanding-poison-vitamin-a-toxicity-in-the-research/

Edit: oops, for some reason I thought you were skeptical about the zinc claim. Well the link is still relevant for vitamin E, but @Liz gave you the better link, which also includes recommendations for a particular vitamin E supplement.

Quote from Liz on April 25, 2019, 10:32 pm



Thanks, I'm familiar with this but I still don't see any evidence that vitamin e is necessary for the synthesis of retinol binding protein.

If you scroll down the page on this link: https://quizlet.com/5423908/copper-zinc-iodine-flash-cards/

under zinc functions it states that it is a cofactor is more than 100 enzyme systems, some zinc dependent enzyme synthesize:
2. hemoglobin
3. retinol binding protein
4. pancreatic digestive enzyme

Not sure how dependable the information is.


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