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Glycine - glyfosate - retinol connection

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Quote from Guest on February 24, 2019, 4:22 pm
Quote from Orion on February 24, 2019, 9:55 am
Quote from Guest on February 24, 2019, 8:33 am

Today I got my taurine and glycine. First I took some taurine, it was calming, stabilizing, my hands got warmer. Then maybe 30 minutes later I took glycine. Almost instant anxiety. I don't think glycine is for me.

I cannot remember the context, I will try and find the info.  But taking glycine in slow oxidation is not recommended.  It will backfire.  So it might be best to wait until, you have depleted lots of VA and test glycine again.


Quote from Janelle525 on February 24, 2019, 12:29 pm

Yeah glycine caused panic attacks for me. Not necessarily from the collagen in pot roast though. So I wouldn't recommend glycine for most people.

Interesting. I'm still anxious, hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow. I don't remember gelatin/collagen causing any anxiety for me, quite the opposite. Orion what exactly do you mean by slow oxidizer? And is slow oxidation caused by retinol, sounds interesting i hope you'll be able to find the info

Slow oxidation and fast oxidation rates are terms used from hair mineral analysis.


Slow oxidizer is someone who is overloaded with calcium and magnesium(and probably copper)

Fast oxidizer is someone who is depleted of calcium and copper. Peat diet actually helps this types(Milk and liver).

Usually people in slow oxidation are also in alkalosis(low stomach, etc..), and using glycine causes issues (anxiety, etc)

I now think that vitamin A overload is a big part of both oxidation rates, everybody has different symptoms from it.


Ok I think I remember the issue, taking glycine can block carnitine (required for fat metabolism), in slow oxidation your ability to burn fats and sugars is impaired.  But a lot of slow oxidizers run better on fats, so blocking carnitine, drops energy access and adrenaline and cortisol then need to rise to compensate = anxiety.


"Many eukaryotes have the ability to synthesize carnitine, including humans. Humans synthesize carnitine from the substrate TML (6-N-trimethyllysine), which is in turn derived from the methylation of the amino acid lysine. TML is then hydroxylated into hydroxytrimethyllysine (HTML) by trimethyllysine dioxygenase, requiring the presence of ascorbic acid and iron. HTML is then cleaved by HTML aldolase (a pyridoxal phosphate requiring enzyme), yielding 4-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde (TMABA) and glycine."


puddleduck has reacted to this post.

@Orion - makes a lot of sense, thanks for that insight.

@Liz -

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22024429   I ran across this endometrial connection while scanning papers on Cholesterol Sulfate. I was reading the Seneff paper on her Cholesterol Sulphate hypothesis from 2015, and recalled that I heard her recommend Epsom salt bathing for the Sulfate side of the equation. When I read the paper linked above, I thought it might be of value to you. [JF]


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Thanks John 😀 That was heavy reading with many new terms, now I have some studying to do. Need to deschipher it 😂

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Yesterday I took Taurine 3 grams, Glycine 3 grams and tablespoon Great Lakes Hydrolyzed Gelatin. I didn't notice such positive effect of Glycine as claimed in the 180 Degree Health article. I slept uneasily and probably Orion is right. So that was too much. Actually I plan to escape the supplement trap and once I finished my remaining supplements I will stick to low. vit A food  for the rest of the year. Nevertheless if you want a supplement with positive effect I can recommend vitamin D3. You can get that from the sun for free with additional benefit that UV destroys A.

Quote from Carbon on March 4, 2019, 1:46 pm

Yesterday I took Taurine 3 grams, Glycine 3 grams and tablespoon Great Lakes Hydrolyzed Gelatin. I didn't notice such positive effect of Glycine as claimed in the 180 Degree Health article. I slept uneasily and probably Orion is right. So that was too much. Actually I plan to escape the supplement trap and once I finished my remaining supplements I will stick to low. vit A food  for the rest of the year. Nevertheless if you want a supplement with positive effect I can recommend vitamin D3. You can get that from the sun for free with additional benefit that UV destroys A.

Could that mean that we might benefit from having a UV light (blacklight) at home? Or some fluorescent light. I'd like to know more about this light effect on vitamin A.

when I eat oxtail, tendon and other gelatinous cuts of meats I get no sides and feel great. However just taking a spoonful of gelatin powder causes anxiety and disturbed sleep for 2-3 days.

puddleduck has reacted to this post.

I get the same thing ! wonder what it is ? gelatin seems to wreck me.

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