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Teen goes blind from KFC & Coke

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Yeah you could send it to the WAPF but that would be like sending a photo of the Earth from space to the Flat Earth society.

Maybe there is a secret society within the WAPF called the Cult of Cod. Their mission statement is to spread the Retinol Religion to all continents. To do this they must deny and suppress the following information:

  • The fact that almost every single person in Western countries has enough Vitamin A stored in their liver to last them years without any A in the diet.
  • That liver tastes so bad that anyone eating it is automagically an extreme food faddist.
  • That Cod Liver Oil will shorten your lifespan and turn away anyone that ever contemplated kissing you.
  • That low VA dieters through A restriction and subsequent increases in IQ have seen WAPF for what they are, WAPF must label them "A Deniers" and portray them as delusional.


Armin has reacted to this post.

@tim-2, you made me LOL!

I edited away some content from this reply--some bad energy I had posted --about attitudes of some experts.  I really have been quite grumpy lately and I blame it on the process 🙂  It's a roller coaster.

Josh's comment: "Sometimes treating things caused by vit A toxicity with vitamin A can (temporarily) ameliorate the symptoms. This is part of the 'duration paradox' that Garrett talks about and is one of the most insidious things about Vit. A poisoning.

This comment and thread reminds me of Hans Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome,  He was a Hungarian endocrinologist (1907 - 1982) who stated that an event that threatens an organism’s well being, a stressor, leads to a three-stage bodily response:

1: Alarm
Upon perceiving a stressor, the body reacts with a “fight-or-flight” response and the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated as the body’s resources are mobilized to meet the threat or danger.

2: Resistance
The body resists and compensates as the parasympathetic nervous system attempts to return many physiological functions to normal levels while body focuses resources against the stressor and remains on alert.

3: Exhaustion
If the stressor or stressors continue beyond the body’s capacity, the resources become exhausted and the body is susceptible to disease and death.

me now: So an excess of VA, in the alarm stage, may make someone feel better or alleviate symptoms initially but it is still a stressor that the body has to figure out how to cope with (the resistance stage) until it can't anymore (the exhaustion stage).

Also, this reminds me of something Grant mentioned in one of his books: how retinol is added to some vaccines which stimulates the immune system only because the body perceives retinol as a huge threat; the alarm stage again, (considered a good thing probably only to vaccine-makers).

This may explain the honeymoon stage when we first try different diets from vegetarian to low carb or WAPF only to find long term they often cause us more health problems. It seems the alarm stage can be stimulating and energizing.

Maybe we do other things or eat other things that make us feel good initially but, is it good long term is the big question.

Anyway, just some thoughts how this 'duration paradox' may work in light of Selye's work.



Rachel has reacted to this post.

I know many of us here (including Grant?), are always on the lookout for examples of actual "vitamin A deficiency".  I saw this video yesterday, and it made me think of the KFC boy.  It is a video about a batch of homeless kittens, (so, possibly lots of deficiency going on).  One kitten seems well, one is unsteady, and one is blind.  The opaque look of the eyes of the blind one made me think right away of KFC boy.

It is also interesting to me that one kitten has "neurological" problems.  Could it be vertigo?   As you may know, I think that I've also poisoned my cats (along with myself) with too many egg yolks and too much liver and a cat food that was high in VA.    One of my cats has unsteadyness.

Could it be that they are actually high in vitamin A because of a lack of other nutrients that are needed to handle vitamin A? 

Homeless animals often get mange, which sometimes lasts even after getting well fed.  I've heard it said it is "because the immune system has taken a hit".  Mange, to me, seems quite like eczema or rosacea.

Mange that lasts after rescue might also harken to that "refeeding" issue that was talked about on another thread.  (perhaps about having a hard time catching up on b vities?)

I felt bad that the vet removed the eyes immediately.   I would have waited to see if SOME vision returned (first) after the kitten received some good care!  Sigh.

@lil-chick cats are going blind from taurine deficiency. For them is taurine essential amino acid..

Даниил has reacted to this post.

as homeless kitties, i'm sure they were low on lots of things!  (starvation in general possibly)

This video goes into how you might go blind on a deficient diet, and it has nothing to do with vitamin A, it appears to actually be about a hard-to-diagnose case of B12 deficiency.   This kid ate only french fries, potato chips and white bread.  It is sad that the damage to his eyes and ears stopped progressing, but were permanent. 

Даниил has reacted to this post.

It really could be a B12 deficiency, given that the chicken contains little. There could also be a vitamin E deficiency. I don't think he got much of it with mayonnaise.

"Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve and muscle damage that results in loss of feeling in the arms and legs, loss of body movement control, muscle weakness, and vision problems. Another sign of deficiency is a weakened immune system"

@lil-chick thanks for sharing. That reminds me of these videos I've seen of people who have only/mostly eaten only one thing for a long time:

French fry people:

Mac and cheese guy:


Some observations: They all seem like fine people, not obviously unhealthy. however, mac and cheese guy does seem to have a really sallow/gray tone to his skin, and is a bit chubbier. But perhaps he does not have any serious vitamin A toxicity bc he isn't eating any vegetables. I think the french fry man and woman look quite good, actually. However, french fry man is at high risk for cardiovascular issues according to his blood tests. I am guessing this is from all the rancid pufas he eats. One thing that struck me is his height. He seems only about a few inches taller than his mom - the two doctors seem to tower over him. JJ Virgin is apparently about 6 feet, though, so I don't think he is abnormally short, but still it was something that stood out to me.  To see what I'm talking about, go to 9:17.  I haven't finished watching all the videos, but that's what I gathered from what I did watch. 


And then there is this. Getting flashbacks of spending money on "health foods" that just keep you captive to thinking you need more.


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