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The relationship between Vitamin A, Copper, Ceruloplasmin and Thyroid

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Quote from Jiří on May 7, 2023, 9:42 am

@alexm " get rid of pathogens/chronic infections : mold, fungi, bacteria, viruses"

but how.. By balancing minerals? Fasting seems as bad idea, because it slows down metabolism and detox a lot and that will make things only worse.. I would take anything to detox all the bugs from my body no matter how bad I would feel if it helps.. Now I am just doing near infrared sauna to increase body temperature.. Here and there I have some pain in my molar tooth. Maybe there is some mild chronic infection and I should just pull that molar out.. But that would fuck up my whole biting on one side.. Is it a good idea to take iodine from lugol? The body uses it as well to fight bugs in the body right? I take like 4 mg a day.. I don't know if it hurts my thyroid or what, but I know it's good anti estrogen and keeps estrogenic cancers away..


@salt " By the way, that guys sells high dose retinol supplements, and suggests it's good to take for all kinds of conditions, and laughs at the notion that someone could become seriously ill from it. "

who Haidut? He is still on the internet? Where? 

Btw what is " a lot of potatoes? When I was in Croatia my only carb source were potatoes and I was eating 3 times a day like 300-400g of boiled normal(yellow) potatoes so around 1000-1300g a day. That is around 2-2,5mg of copper which is far from "high copper intake".. Most vegans eating grains, legumes, nuts/seeds, dried fruits etc.. are eating around 10mg a day that is high intake of copper.. You can't eat that amount from just potatoes..

A kilo of potatoes isn't that much, considering its low caloric density (compared to other starchy foods). An intake of about 4-5 mg or over 500% recommended daily intake, also including fruits and other things, is a high intake. Even your intake at 2.5mg is 278% of the daily recommended intake. And lets not derail the thread into a discussion about how much carbohydrate should be eaten.

puddleduck has reacted to this post.

@salt I don't know what to think about RDA. How they know how much copper you need? It depends on your metabolism and many other factors.. And yes I know that 1kg of potatoes is not a lot of calories, but it is a lot of volume of food. You are eating how much 3kg or what?

puddleduck has reacted to this post.
Quote from Jiří on May 7, 2023, 9:42 am

@alexm " get rid of pathogens/chronic infections : mold, fungi, bacteria, viruses"

but how.. By balancing minerals? Fasting seems as bad idea, because it slows down metabolism and detox a lot and that will make things only worse.. I would take anything to detox all the bugs from my body no matter how bad I would feel if it helps.. Now I am just doing near infrared sauna to increase body temperature.. Here and there I have some pain in my molar tooth. Maybe there is some mild chronic infection and I should just pull that molar out.. But that would fuck up my whole biting on one side.. Is it a good idea to take iodine from lugol? The body uses it as well to fight bugs in the body right? I take like 4 mg a day.. I don't know if it hurts my thyroid or what, but I know it's good anti estrogen and keeps estrogenic cancers away..


@salt " By the way, that guys sells high dose retinol supplements, and suggests it's good to take for all kinds of conditions, and laughs at the notion that someone could become seriously ill from it. "

who Haidut? He is still on the internet? Where? 

Btw what is " a lot of potatoes? When I was in Croatia my only carb source were potatoes and I was eating 3 times a day like 300-400g of boiled normal(yellow) potatoes so around 1000-1300g a day. That is around 2-2,5mg of copper which is far from "high copper intake".. Most vegans eating grains, legumes, nuts/seeds, dried fruits etc.. are eating around 10mg a day that is high intake of copper.. You can't eat that amount from just potatoes..

I have an idea how to get rid of bacteria and fungus etc etc.

Nude tanning and earthing in nature as much as it gets. Beach time, and then nutrient dense varied seasonal foods.

Summer is my healing time. I am nude in the sun sooo much and it heals. Preferably in the wild nature by a lonely lake or by the ocean. Here in Finland we have these rocks, made velvetly smooth by the ice age.. and close to where I live is my favorite lake, it is a rocky lake, surrounded by those smooth rocks where you can tan as warm your body. Those rocks get so warm in the summer sun. Then dipping in the cold water/swimming a little around, and warming your bare skin again on the rocks... do this a whole day and you will feel SOOO charged after. Its healing pure. The lake has so clean water that you can drink it while swimming.

As I lived in Germany, I was close to the Atlantic ocean and I had my secret nude beach where I spent so much time. Watching the tides breath in and out all day. That was equally healing.

Those healing places are everywhere. For free.

Only winter is rough here, I need to figure out how to better heal in the winter next winter. Working less will be one thing. Sleeping more.

I now believe supplements are quite risky and mostly makes one worse and not better. Its safer to go with nutrients in food and tons of nude tanning instead.

puddleduck, PJ and Alex have reacted to this post.

and @jiri, I have pulled a molar and my bite is so far just okay it has not changed. Its about 2 years ago. No one can see that the molar is missing so I decided to just leave it like that as long as I dont have any bite issues. Seems the teeth have adjusted just fine, I cant detect any difference.

puddleduck has reacted to this post.

@inger yes in nature away from toxins and EMF from the city that is amazing that's for sure. I would love to live next to lake, river somewhere in nature or next to ocean and grounding yourself every day after work.. I have hard time during the winter as well here in Czech Republic. At least you are closer to nature so it must be nice even during the winter and to relax and even detox you should do sauna a lot during the winter..

puddleduck and PJ have reacted to this post.
Quote from Jiří on May 7, 2023, 12:19 pm

@inger yes in nature away from toxins and EMF from the city that is amazing that's for sure. I would love to live next to lake, river somewhere in nature or next to ocean and grounding yourself every day after work.. I have hard time during the winter as well here in Czech Republic. At least you are closer to nature so it must be nice even during the winter and to relax and even detox you should do sauna a lot during the winter..

@ jiri yes we do sauna, we have a fire heated sauna in this house and my bro heats it up twice a week. I can only mostly attend one session / week because of work but still its amazing! I can use the sauna in the spa hotel I work in as a waitress, as much as I want but... its not so fun to go in the sauna and later waiter the people you met there...lol But hey maybe next winter I will not care, just do sauna most days! That would be huge. I have a friend here he goes in his sauna every evening. The Finns are truly sauna lovers and its so nice.

Maybe you can find a place to live where you are closer to nature? I just need it... I look for my living place to always be close to nature, even my work place. The hotel I work in is in the middle of the forest by a beach... surrounded by nothing but trees and water, I love to drive there as I drive mostly through forest area..(must watch carefully to not hit a deer or moose though!) I long ago realized my body needs this. Already as a kid, in fact...lol

The Czech Republic do have a shorter winter and longer summer so you are lucky in that regard! Finland + winter is... brutal 😉

puddleduck, Hermes and PJ have reacted to this post.


Congrats on discovering ray peat!

Anyways not sure if you’ve heard but there’s a guy in this forum who hasn’t consumed any measurable amounts of vit A for almost a decade and has a serum vit A of 0.1 μmol/l- yes he’s still alive- and no he’s not hypothyroid.

Anyways good luck with the litres of orange juice, milk, liver, caffeine and cocktail of supplements, you’ll have vitality and metabolism like no other!


angelicarose has reacted to this post.

@tommy "and no he’s not hypothyroid"

how do you know that? He has thyroid panel done over the years? The fact that he got vit A toxic(if he got toxic..) just by basically "normal" diet without any really high intake of high vit A foods or supplements etc.. shows that he already was very slow oxidizer in a first place. So his needs for vit A(especially when he has very low sun exposure) are very low. But that is not the case for most people. Most people can eat "normal"diet with moderate or even high vit A foods and don't have serious health issues like kidney failure etc.. But like I said I think that Grant didn't have just vit A issue. He had some autoimmune issues that got fixed by doing meat, rice, bean diet only.. But like I said we don't know, because we have ZERO labs from him which is really unfortunate.. So we can only speculate like I said..

Liz has reacted to this post.

“How do you know that?” 

He posted his thyroid labs.

”He has thyroid panel done?”


“We have zero labs from him”


Attached are his thyroid labs. Everything is in comfortable range. Here’s the link >>> https://ggenereux.blog/discussion/topic/thyroid-labs/#postid-10165

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salt and angelicarose have reacted to this post.

@tommy oh I forgot about that. Better than nothing, but one blood tests over many years is not saying much. With blood tests it is important to test in intervals to see the pattern.. Same with hair tests..

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